Do you have a working paper based on RDSL data? Please contact us for inclusion.
Anne C. Clark, Yasamin Kusunoki, and Jennifer Barber "How Does High Residential Mobility Affect Sexual Intercourse and Contraceptive Use During Women’s Transition to Adulthood?"
Weitzman, Abigail, Jennifer S. Barber, Justin Heinze, and Marc Zimmerman. "How Do Neighborhood Homicides Affect Young Women’s Pregnancy Desires?"
Barber, Jennifer S. and Yasamin Kusunoki. "Intimate Relationship Dynamics and Dissolution During the Transition to Adulthood."
Barber, Jennifer S. and Heather Gatny. "The Social Context of Retrospective-Prospective Changes in Pregnancy Desire During the Transition to Adulthood: The Role of Fathers and Intimate Relationships."
Barber, Jennifer S., Anne Clark, and Heather Gatny. Changes in Young Women’s Pregnancy Desire after a Pregnancy Scare
Barber, Jennifer S., Heather Gatny, and Yasamin Kusunoki. "Childbearing Desires, Intimate Relationships, and Heterosexual Intercourse During the Transition to Adulthood."
Barber, Jennifer, Abigail Weitzman, Paul Schulz, Yasamin Kusunoki, and Warren B. Miller. 2020. "The Evolution of Young Women’s Pregnancy Desire during the Transition to Adulthood."
Barber, Jennifer S., Heather Gatny, and Yasamin Kusunoki. "Family Formation Preferences and Sexual Behavior among Young Women."
Barber, Jennifer, and Warren B. Miller. 2020. "Young Women’s Perceptions of their Partners’ Pregnancy Desires: Influences on Early Pregnancy."
Burke, Kristen, and Abigail Weitzman. 2020. "Young Adults' Pathways to Cohabitation and Commitment."
Cha, Hyungmin. 2020. "Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Life Course Dynamics, and Sexual Efficacy during the Transition to Adulthood."
Cha, Hyungmin, and Abigail Weitzman. 2020. "Explaining Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Early Pregnancy."
Clark, Anne, Yasamin Kusunoki, and Jennifer Barber. 2020. "Lost in the Shuffle: The Relationship between Contraception, Residential Mobility, and Pregnancy."
Eilers, Michelle, and Abigail Weitzman. 2020. "Young Women's Sexual Behavior and Contraceptive Use Amidst Conflicting Desires and Moral Attitudes."
Ela, Elizabeth. 2020. "Subjective Risk of Side Effects and Young Women's Contraceptive Behavior."
Ela, Elizabeth. 2020. "I should be pregnant so many times by now: Reciprocal Influence of Fertility Behaviors and Subjective Pregnancy Risk."
Kusunoki, Yasamin, Abigail Weitzman, Morgan Purrier, and Jennifer Barber. 2020. "Partner and Relationship Characteristics and Time to First Sex."
Mallory, Allen. 2020. "Social Inequalities and Perceived Discrimination during the Transition to Adulthood."
McLoughlin, Isabel. 2020. "Religion and Reproductive Control: A Matter of Intrinsic or Extrinsic Religiosity?"
McLoughlin, Isabel, and Abigail Weitzman. 2020. "Religiosity, Anticipated Guilt, and Contraceptive Workarounds: New Evidence from a Longitudinal Panel of Young Adult Women."
Purrier, Morgan, Yasamin Kusunoki, and Jennifer Barber. 2020. "Friend and Parent Influences on Time to First Sex in Relationships."
Wang, Yiwen, and Abigail Weitzman. 2020. "Relationship Dynamics and Intra- and Extra-Relationship Sex."
Weitzman, Abigail. 2020. "Young Women’s Sexual Desires and Sexual Behavior."
Weitzman, Abigail, and Allen Mallory. 2020. "Racial, Socioeconomic, and Attitudinal Disparities in the Trajectories of Young Women's Willingness to Refuse Unwanted Sex."
Weitzman, Abigail, and Yasamin Kusunoki. 2020. "Time until First Violent Incident within Relationships."
Weitzman, Abigail, Jennifer Barber, and Yasamin Kusunoki. 2020. "Local Homicide and Young Adults’ Disposition toward the Future."
Yarger, Jennifer, Yasamin Kusunoki, and Jennifer Barber. 2020. "Enrollment in Postsecondary Education and Undesired Pregnancy in Young Adulthood."